
Student Educational Services

Student Educational Services

Student Educational Services provides services to the students at NCS in a variety of capacities. It is our desire to provide a Christian education to students and to serve those students whose needs can be met within the classrooms on campus. While we fully recognize that we cannot meet every child’s needs, we do seek to provide services to those children who can function in a traditional classroom with some support.

The scope of SES has grown to meet the needs of students at every age and stage. Most of the time SES vendors work with families through direct pay from the family to the vendor. A few of the vendors work with us to provide consultative services for those times when a teacher needs more information as to how to help a child in class. Each vendor is professionally and educationally qualified to provide the services described. The vendors are able to work within our Statement of Faith, are fingerprinted and certified. The following provides a description of service provided through Student Educational Services.

SES - Outside Services

List of 3 items.

  • AzEIP

    NCS works with Arizona Early Intervention Program (AzEIP). This statewide interagency system of supports and services helps us with children through age 3 with identified developmental delays or disabilities and their families. AzEIP partners with community providers like NCS to support families.
  • Quality First

    NCS is a Quality First school, partnering with First Things First to provide quality educational experiences for the early childhood program. QF provides coaches that work with teachers. This program has enhanced the educational experience at NCS while we maintain our Christian distinctive. QF provides direction for families with children that may need support in the early educational and formative years.
  • Southwest Human Development

    NCS partners with SWHD to provide support for teachers in the early education program, Preschool and Mini Crusaders. SWHD provides a coach that works with the classroom teacher. Teachers are provided suggestions to increase student engagement and success in the early education classroom. No students are worked with directly, the teacher is provided the support to better understand student needs. Parents are provided support through the education provided the teacher.

SES Facilitators on the NCS Campus

List of 4 items.

  • Barton Tutoring

    Barton Tutoring provides reading tutoring through the Barton Reading program. This systematic and phonological approach to reading has a verifiable positive impact on students struggling to read in the first years of school. Parents may use the materials for their own child on campus, they can trade services with other parents for tutoring or parents can utilize a paid tutor. The program must be used on campus as it is a site licensed program and training in the program is available. Students will be pre and post tested at each level of Barton Tutoring prior to moving on to the next level.

    NCS provides screening through DIBELS and PELI testing for students as we continue to provide excellence in reading education at NCS. These screening provide information for teachers on growth in reading processes.
  • Professional Tutors

    NCS has worked with several tutors to provide academic support for children in the K -12 program. Our tutors ascribe to our Statement of Faith and provide background checks or fingerprint clearance cards as they work on campus. A few of the programs like The Barton Reading Program and other programs help to support student achievement. Tutors work on a “pull out’ basis with students, providing academic support for those needing individual assistance on an occasional basis as well as reading instruction through the Barton program.
  • Student Tutors

    Our high school students involved with the National Honor Society often agree to provide tutoring services for our elementary students at a very reasonable rate. Please check with the elementary principal for a list of student tutors if you might be interested in services for your child.

Outside Assessment Services

List of 6 items.

  • Counseling

    NCS works with Agape Counseling Services. There are opportunities for basic consultative services as well as referrals vetted by the NCS staff. For information about these services please stop by the office for the flyer to see who to contact. Contact Darcy Bracamonte for more information.
  • MelMed/Phoenix Children's Hospital

    There are times that parents prefer to use direct pay or insurance to cover the cost of academic testing as the school and family work together to determine the scope of a child’s needs in school. NCS works with MelMed and Phoenix Children’s Hospital to facilitate academic testing by parent request.
  • Occupational Therapy

    School based: NCS partners with Cornerstone Pediatric in both consultative services as well as school based services for children with identified needs. For questions about the process for involvement with school based OT at NCS please contact one of the principals.
  • School Districts

    Washington Elementary School District: WESD, and Glendale Union High School District: GUHSD: Northwest Christian School works directly with the districts surrounding it to provide academic testing as well as information on academic support from the Gifted Program to students with learning disabilities. Each district provides TAP meetings, follow-up testing when appropriate and consequent information on student needs. The relationships with the districts are positive. Districts only provide testing when parents request the information, NCS does not initiate these conversations. For more information talk with the elementary principal for the elementary program with WESD, the middle school principal for the middle school program with WESD and the high school guidance counselor for the high school program with GUHSD.
  • Speech and Language

    Building Blocks, Inc. to provide speech and hearing assessments at NCS followed up with services on campus for those students with identified needs. The program is direct pay as the speech therapist works with students in the SES classroom during the school day. For questions about the process for involvement with speech, language and hearing with school based services at NCS please contact the elementary principal or assistant preschool director. Contact Building Blocks for more information.
  • Vision Therapy

    NCS works with Accent Eye Care to direct students with identified needs for vision therapy. This program provides screening and services for students who struggle with vision and tracking. Contact Accent Eye Care for more information. Dr. Aleta Gong 602-547-3255.