
Sutton Project

The Sutton Project is a special part of NCS involving students campus-wide from Early Education through High School and including our Online and Flex students! What originally began more than 10 years ago as a project to provide Thanksgiving meal boxes to families in need at JB Sutton Elementary School has turned into a much larger and more impactful campus-wide campaign - The Sutton Project.

Thanksgiving Meal Boxes
The Sutton Project, now the largest missions learning project on campus, epitomizes our mission fulfillment for all students as we meet the needs of those in our surrounding community. Through The Sutton Project we now provide 1600 Thanksgiving meal boxes for families at 16 different elementary schools across three districts. These food boxes serve as a sign of hope to those in a broken and needy community. We also partner with the local church to provide within the boxes an invitation to join their church community.
Early Education and Elementary students participate by collecting/donating canned goods for the meal boxes. Middle School and High School students collect/donate money to go towards turkey vouchers that are provided within each box. At the end of the campaign, every student campus-wide participates in a ‘packing’ event to compile the various components of each box in an assembly-line setting. This is one of the best days on campus! High School Student Council then delivers and unloads the completed Thanksgiving meal boxes to each school!
Christmas Gifts
As we wrap up our Thanksgiving meal boxes, we immediately turn our attention to Christmas. The NCS community provides over 1200 Christmas gifts that are delivered to students at 3 elementary schools. These schools serve a significant number of refugees and their families. NCS high school students experience the joy of delivering these gifts to the students of these schools and have the opportunity to see our mission in action as we meet the needs of those less fortunate than us.
Sutton Game Day
Our Middle School Student Council hosts 3rd grade students from JB Sutton on our campus for ‘Game Day’. NCS middle school students enjoy a day of fun and opportunities to create community with our friends from Sutton!
High School Serve Day
Once per semester, our high school students participate in a ‘Serve Day’ wherein they are sent all across the state to serve the community in various ways. Each semester, a group of NCS high school students head to JB Sutton Elementary to serve the school and meet the needs of their community. This looks like playing, reading to classes, tutoring and more!

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  • 1600

    Thanksgiving Meal Boxes Packed

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  • 1200+

    Christmas Gifts Donated


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  • Student Participation

    We ask that you encourage your students to donate in their classes to this project. While the foundation loves to see parent donations, they truly love seeing the students learn how to give.

    According to Matthew 25:35-40, we are called to feed and clothe the needy. This project is a means by which our student body can come to understand that scriptural principle personally.

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  • Thank you for your continued and sacrificial support

    Your continued support year after year is the reason that this project has been successful in the past and today remains a tremendous aspect of the growth available to students at NCS. You are truly helping students become difference makers in our community and our world.

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  • Contact

    Joni Keith
    602-978-5134 x 128 or
  • Deadline

    By Friday, November 15th in the NCS Office