Online Academics

NCS Online Course Catalog

NCS Online - Course Catalog

NCS Online courses are available a la carte, meaning your student can take one or two courses without being a full-time NCS Online student. To learn more about a la carte options, contact the Admissions office today!


List of 5 items.

  • Bible

    Purposeful Design by ACSI

    Student will receive:
    • Student Edition textbook
  • ELA

    Into Reading by HMH

    Student will receive:
    • Into Reading MyBook
    • Into Reading Writing Workshop Book
    • Into Reading digital resources
    • Printed packet of materials
    • Vocabulary A-Z digital access
  • Math

    Go Math! by HMH

    Student will receive:
    • GoMath! Student Workbook
    • Access to GoMath! digital resources, including a digital version of the textbook
  • Science

    Purposeful Design by ACSI 

    1st-3rd Grade
    Student will receive:
    • Science Student Edition textbook
    4th-5th Grade
    Student will receive:
    • Science Student Notebook
    • Science Student Edition ebook
  • Social Studies

    Heritage Studies by BJU Press

    Student will receive:
    • Heritage Studies Student Activities Manual
    • Heritage Studies Student Edition ebook

6th Grade - Core

List of 5 items.

  • Bible

    Grade: 6
    Textbook Title: The Christian Worldview by Summit Ministries 
    Semester or Yearlong Course: Yearlong
    Elective or Core: Core
    Course Description: Students in 6th grade Bible will be given an introduction to Biblical and unbiblical beliefs about Truth, God, people, the universe and values. This is considered a bible survey of a Christian worldview for sixth grade students. The focus of the curriculum is on application of the content into the life of the student.

  • Language Arts

    Grade: 6
    Textbook Title: Independent Novel Studies
    Websites: No Red Ink, Commonlit
    Semester or Year-long Course: Year-long
    Elective or Core: Core
    Course Description: In Sixth Grade Language Arts, we will cover reading, writing, vocabulary, and grammar. We will study short stories, biographies, poetry, and a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts. Students will learn and practice a variety of reading strategies to aid in comprehension, critical thinking. They will also respond to a variety of texts through speaking, listening, and writing.The focus in writing for sixth grade is the reflective narrative. Students will learn a basic structure for a five paragraph reflective narrative and then receive mini lessons in each of the six traits of writing to enhance the quality of their writing. We will also practice expository writing, persuasive writing, reading responses, poetry, and literary analysis responses.
  • Math

    Grade: 6
    Textbook Title: Glencoe Math, Course 1, Volume 1 and 2
    Semester or Year-long Course: Year-long
    Elective or Core: Core
    Course Description: In this course, students will use models, writing, and math, applying accuracy and efficiency in math facts to increase their critical analysis and logical reasoning of number theory, integers, and rational numbers according to the AZ State Math standards. Emphasis is placed on academic vocabulary and problem solving. This class includes an introduction to basic algebra concepts and geometry as well as analyzing data and statistics.
  • Science

    Grade: 6th 
    Textbook Title: Integrated iScience Course 1 (Glencoe), McGraw Hill Education
    Semester or Year-long Course: Year-long
    Elective or Core: Core 
    Course Description: ​​6th grade students will discover how small changes can make big impacts on different aspects of earth, space, and physical science topics. Students will study matter and energy, explore the size and scale of the solar system, and understand how axial tilt affects seasons and length of day. Other areas of study include, developing models to explain constellations, tides, eclipses and moon phases and their relationship in the Sun Earth Moon system. Student’s will also examine ecosystems and understand how the Sun’s radiant energy, environmental factors, and human activities can affect ecosystems. Favorite projects throughout the year are planning and carrying out investigations that test consumer products, designing a Rube Goldberg device to demonstrate energy transformations, using science and engineering practices to build popsicle stick bridges.
  • Social Studies

    Grade: 6
    Textbook Title: Heritage Studies 6 by BJU Press
    Semester or Year-long Course: Yearlong
    Elective or Core: Core
    Course Description: This course is an overview of ancient world history from early Mesopotamian society through the culture of Mesoamerica. Throughout the course,students will study and analyze the GRAPES of each civilization (geography, religion, achievements, politics, economics, and social structure). Special emphasis is placed on the long-lasting impact of these cultures on the world today. Current events, geography, and basic fundamentals of economics are additional topics throughout the year. Students will be encouraged to use critical thinking skills and make application of historical knowledge in developing a Biblical worldview.

7th Grade - Core

List of 6 items.

  • Bible

    Grade: 7
    Textbook Title: Competing Worldviews by Summit Ministries
    Semester or Yearlong Course: Yearlong
    Elective or Core: Core
    Course Description: Students will be systematically covering questions related to the study of God consisting of basic theology. Students will compare and contrast the key tenets of Christianity to Islam, naturalism, and new spirituality. In addition, students will be covering "Godly dating standards".

  • Language Arts

    Grade: 7
    Textbook Title: Independent works of literature
    Websites: NoRedInk, CommonLit
    Semester or Year-long Course: Year-long
    Elective or Core: Core
    Course Description: The course of study for 7th graders is designed to challenge students to improve their communication skills in writing, speaking, and comprehension of literature. Literature studies will focus on a variety of literary forms, including short stories, novels, biographies, and plays, and will enhance students’ skills in analysis and understanding authors’ purpose. Students will develop their writing skills through structuring clear thesis statements, through the process of drafting and editing their work, and through applying the Six Traits writing rubric. Grammar and convention skills, as well as vocabulary, will be embedded in unit studies and addressed through weekly practice. Students will strengthen their critical thinking skills and learn to apply Biblical principles to their analysis and enjoyment of literature.
  • Math

    Grade: 7
    Textbook Title: Glencoe Math Course 2
    Semester or Year-long Course: Year-long
    Elective or Core: Core
    Course Description: In this course, students will focus on four critical areas: (1) developing understanding of and applying proportional relationships; (2) operations with rational numbers and working with expressions and linear equations; (3) solving problems involving scale drawings, geometric construction and surface area, and volume; and (4) drawing inferences about populations.
  • Pre Algebra

    Grade: 7
    Textbook Title: Glencoe Math Accelerated: A Pre-Algebra Program, McGraw-Hill Education 2017 
    Semester or Year-long Course: Year-long
    Elective or Core: Core
    Course Description: In this course, students will learn math skills and strategies that are necessary to prepare them for Algebra I. We will study the language of algebra and strategies for algebraic reasoning, solving problems involving integers and absolute value, rational numbers, powers and roots, proportional relationships, problem-solving with percentages, evaluating algebraic expressions in numeric and verbal forms, solving algebraic equations and inequalities, linear functions, statistics and probability, congruence and similarity in transformations of 2-dimensional figures, and volume and surface area of 3-dimensional figures. This class is a prerequisite for Algebra I.
  • Science

    Grade: 7th 
    Textbook Title: Integrated iScience Course 2 (Glencoe), McGraw Hill Education
    Semester or Year-long Course: Year-long 
    Elective or Core: Core 
    Course Description: In this course, students will cover physical, earth and space, and life science standards. This includes intro to chemistry, forces in motion, gravity, Newton’s laws of motion, cycling of matter and flow of energy in the layers of the atmosphere,sun, earth, moon system, the solar system, technology in weather prediction, climate, cell theory, organization of life, and photosynthesis. We will focus on developing and using models, constructing evidence-based explanations, collecting and analyzing data, and planning and carrying out investigations. 
  • Social Studies

    Grade: 7
    Textbook Title: BJU Press The American Republic 4th Edition; and Various Sources  
    Semester or Yearlong Course: Yearlong
    Elective or Core: Core
    Course Description: This course is a yearlong survey of global studies from exploration of the New world through the present. The content focus will be viewed through historical and geographical lenses. Students will understand the relationships and interactions between societies and cultures in both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. United States history will be taught as it interacts with global issues. Students will engage in skill development including: map and graph reading, critical reading and analysis. Students will be encouraged to use critical thinking skills and make application of historical knowledge in developing a Biblical worldview.

8th Grade - Core

List of 6 items.

  • Algebra 1

    Grade: 8
    Textbook Title: Glencoe Algebra 1
    Semesters: 2
    HS Credits: 1
    Course Description: Algebra 1 establishes the foundation for all future math courses. This course is designed to prepare students for continued studies in advanced mathematics and to achieve success in college. The goals of this course are to help students develop their abilities to explore and solve mathematical problems, think critically, work cooperatively with others and communicate clearly. This class emphasizes the structure of Algebra in the development of computational problem solving skills. The course includes working with real numbers, solving equations and problems, polynomials, factoring, algebraic fractions, functions, systems of linear equations, inequalities, rational and irrational numbers and solving quadratic equations. This course is taken for high school credit. Students will need a Ti 83/84 graphing calculator for this course.
  • Bible

    Grade: 8
    Textbook Title: Christianity in Action by Summit Ministries
    Semester or Year-long Course: Yearlong
    Elective or Core: Core
    Course Description: The 8th grade Bible course helps students understand how they can live out their Christian worldview in a post-Christian culture. The course also focuses on hermeneutics, the basic principles of how to study the Bible. The students will learn to properly observe, interpret, and apply the Word of God. The students will then incorporate these principles in the wisdom literature of the Old Testament, focusing on: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes.

  • Language Arts

    Grade: 8
    Textbook Title: Independent works of literature
    Websites: NoRedInk, CommonLit
    Semester or Year-long Course: Year-long
    Elective or Core: Core
    Course Description: In this course, students will further their comprehension skills through analysis of text. This course will include in depth literature studies on novels such as The Pearl, Diary of Anne Frank, and a collection of short stories. Students will gain the ability to write argumentatively with solid reasoning and evidence based research. They will be introduced to the Jane Schaffer paragraph method of writing and inclusion of the Six-Traits of writing. Additionally, students will learn grammar with an emphasis on parts of speech and sentence structure. They will continue to increase their vocabulary through the learning of Greek and Latin Roots.
  • Math

    Grade: 8
    Textbook Title: Glencoe Math Accelerated: A Pre-Algebra Program
    Semester or Year-long Course: Year-long
    Elective or Core: Core
    Course Description: In this course, students will learn math skills and strategies that are necessary to prepare them for Algebra I. We will study the language of algebra and strategies for algebraic reasoning, solving problems involving integers and absolute value, rational numbers, powers and roots, proportional relationships, problem-solving with percentages, evaluating algebraic expressions in numeric and verbal forms, solving
  • Science

    Grade: 8th 
    Textbook Title: Integrated iScience Course 3 (Glencoe), McGraw Hill Education
    Semester or Year-long Course: Year-long 
    Elective or Core: Core 
    Course Description: In this course, students will describe how stability and change and the process of cause and effect influence changes in the natural world. Students will apply energy principles to chemical reactions, explore changes within Earth and understand how genetic information is passed down to produce variation among the populations. Student investigations focus on collecting and making sense of observational data and measurements using the science and engineering practices: ask questions and define problems, develop and use models, plan and carry out investigations, analyze and interpret data, use mathematics and computational thinking, construct explanations and design solutions, engage in argument from evidence, and obtain, evaluate, and communicate information. While individual lessons may include connections to any of the crosscutting concepts, the standards in eighth-grade focus on helping students understand phenomena through cause and effect, energy and matter, and stability and change.
  • Social Studies

    Grade: 8
    Textbook Title: Various Sources
    Semester or Yearlong Course: Yearlong
    Elective or Core: Core
    Course Description: In this course, students will focus on citizenship and civic engagement. Students will make connections between historical and current/contemporary issues as a base for implementing change in society. Students will recognize and practice their roles and responsibilities as both American and global citizens. United States History will focus on the major events that have their roots in the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and amendments. Additionally, students will complete a personal finance unit to demonstrate their understanding of how to be good stewards of the money and resources God has given them. Throughout the course, students will be encouraged to use critical thinking skills and make application to the real world and their personal lives. Emphasis will be placed on developing cultural awareness and a biblical worldview.

Middle School Electives - Online & Flex

List of 8 items.

  • Creative Writing

    Grade: 6th-8th
    Textbook Title: Various Sources
    Semester or Year-long Course: Semester
    Elective or Core: Elective
    Course Description: In this course, students will explore poetry, fiction and other genres of literature. The course will help students learn to think and write creatively to inspire meaningful writing pieces. Students will write creatively in a variety of genres and modes; learn to critique clearly, intelligently and supportively the work of themselves and others; revise and reshape their own work through the creative process; and produce a final choice project.
  • Music Theory

    Grade: 6-8
    Textbook Title: Alfred's Music Theory Book 1
    Semester or Yearlong Course: Semester
    Elective or Core: Elective
    Course Description: Music theory is a course designed to teach students the language of music. This course is appropriate for students who are new to music or who already play an instrument. Students will learn how to read music by learning about the staff, clefs, note names, pitches, and note durations. Students will learn about various articulations and how they impact musical notes and passages. Students will begin writing musical compositions to apply what they learn. 
  • Nutrition

    Grade: 6th-8th
    Textbook Title: Various Sources
    Semester or Yearlong Course: Semester
    Elective or Core: Elective
    Course Description: In this course, students will be equipped with the knowledge and understanding of nutrition necessary to establish and cultivate a healthy and informed relationship with food. Students will learn key terminology related to nutrition, identify personal nutritional habits, and learn about the essential nutrients for life. Additionally, students will learn how to study protein, carbohydrates, and fat macronutrients and vitamins, minerals and water micronutrients. Students will research and identify an organization in their community that is working to combat food insecurity, identify careers in dietetics, learn about nutrition as medicine, and complete a research project. 
  • Personal Finance

    Grade: 6th-8th
    Textbook Title: NextGen Personal Finance
    Semester or Yearlong Course: Semester
    Elective or Core: Elective
    Course Description: In this personal finance course, students build core personal finance skills and learn real-world strategies to effectively manage their personal finances. Topics include decision making, budgeting, saving, consumer skills, preparing for high school and more. By the end of this course, students will have a basic understanding of personal finance topics and a foundation in the skills necessary to successfully navigate the financial responsibilities that exist in life.
  • Physical Education

    Grade: 6th - 8th 
    Textbook Title: Various Sources
    Semester or Year-long Course: Semester or Year-long
    Elective or Core: Elective
    Course Description: Physical Education is a course designed to educate our Northwest Christian students in physical fitness, health and wellness, first aid, and nutrition. The Physical Education course takes into consideration the whole person (spiritual, physical, mental, social, and emotional) as it educates and challenges students on the importance of health/fitness in their lives. In order to achieve this, students will learn how to do a variety of physical activities and log their daily exercise. Students will learn the history, rules, strategy, and physical requirements of various sports. Students will also learn the basics of first aid and nutrition. 
  • Spanish 1

    Grade: 6th - 8th 
    Textbook Title: Various Materials
    Semester or Year-long Course: Semester
    Elective or Core: Elective
    Course Description: In this course, students will learn basic conversational Spanish, through controlled, transitional, and open-ended activities to assure the development of communication skills. Basic writing and grammar will be introduced as well as strategies that will help students learn how to approach learning a language more effectively. Within the semester course, students are introduced to the cultures of various Spanish speaking countries.  
    After completion of Middle School Spanish, any 7th grade student will have the opportunity to take an aptitude test in order to test into High School Spanish for their 8th grade year. The students that pass, will earn High School credit as an eighth grader.
  • Technology

    Grade: 6-8
    Textbook Title: Various Sources
    Semester or Yearlong Course: Semester
    Elective or Core: Elective
    Course Description: The Technology course is a semester-long elective for sixth, seventh, and eighth graders. In this class, students will improve their typing skills, learn how to use the internet safely, learn how to be responsible digital citizens, and create a digital portfolio. Students will learn how to use Google applications such as Gmail, Drive, Docs, Slides and more. Students will learn the basics of HTML code and explore how to use technology creatively by learning the basics of graphic design, video editing, stop animation, and other forms of creative media. 
  • Thrive: A Learning Skills Course

    Grade: 6th-8th
    Textbook Title: Various Sources
    Semester or Yearlong Course: Semester
    Elective or Core: Elective
    Course Description: Thrive is a semester-long study skills elective for 6th thru 8th graders designed to increase a wide variety of learning skills that will help students grow not just academically but in important life skills as well. Throughout the semester we will learn about and practice through real-life application 10 executive functioning skills such as planning, organization, time management, task initiation, metacognition, sustained attention, flexibility, and perseverance. We will focus on developing stronger study skill habits, different studying strategies that work best with different learning styles, and nurturing good habits that will positively impact their life. Activities will be weaved throughout the course for students to cultivate a stronger growth mindset versus a limiting fixed mindset and grow in their knowledge and understanding of who God is and who they are in Christ. 

Middle School Electives - Available for Flex Only

List of 4 items.

  • Beginning Band

    Grade: 6th
    Textbook Title: Measures of Success, Book 1, by Brian Balmages, Deborah and Robert Sheldon
    Semester or Year-long Course: Year-long
    Elective or Core: Elective
    Course Description: Beginning Band is open to any 6th grade student with an interest in playing a band instrument. Students will learn all aspects of music including performance, history, theory, ear training, worship, and music appreciation in order to be whole musicians. The band performs at the Christmas and Spring concerts. There are many opportunities for advanced students to participate in additional performances. Students will be eligible for our Disneyland Trip and Forum Band Festival in April.
  • MS Band

    Grade: 7th- 8th
    Textbook Title: Standard of Excellence, Vol. II
    Semester or Yearlong Course: Yearlong
    Elective or Core: Elective
    Middle School Band is open to 7th- 8th grade students by audition only. Students in this group should have at least one year of experience with his or her instrument. The level of music performed in Middle School Band is challenging and engaging, requiring band members to be committed musicians. The Middle School Band performs at semester concerts, chapels, football games, and other school events as needed. Students in this group will develop skills in advanced musicianship.

  • MS Choir

    Grade: 6th – 8th 
    Textbook Title: Various choral music 
    Semester or Year-long Course: Year-long
    Elective or Core: Elective
    Course Description: Middle School Choir is open to all 6th-8th grades students with an interest in choral performance. This is a non-audition choir and no choral experience is necessary. Students will be given an overview of various musical styles and will learn to follow musical scores, match pitch, perform basic choral warm-ups, identify musical symbols in various compositions, perform beginning sight-reading exercises and perform in four concerts throughout the year. Each spring the choir is invited to participate in a choral music festival in southern CA.
  • MS Advanced Choir

    Grade: 7th – 8th 
    Textbook Title: Various choral music 
    Semester or Year-long Course: Year-long
    Elective or Core: Elective
    Course Description: Advanced Choir is open to all 7th-8th grades students with an interest in choral performance. Enrollment in this class is by audition, and prior choral experience is helpful but not necessary. Auditions are held in May of the previous year. Students will be given an overview of various musical styles and will learn to follow musical scores, match pitch, perform basic choral warm-ups, identify musical symbols in various compositions, sight-read basic melodies, and perform in four concerts throughout the year. Each spring the advanced choir is invited to participate in a choral music festival in southern CA.

High School - 9th Grade

List of 20 items.

  • Algebra 1

    Grades: 9-10
    Semesters: 2
    Credits: 1 
    Course Level: B
    Prerequisites: Pre-Algebra completed with a C or better
    Course Description: This course stresses the structure of Algebra in the development of computational problem solving skills. Algebra is a combination of systematic, step-by-step computations and logical thinking. Requires a TI-84 calculator.
  • Art Expressions

    Grades: 9-12
    Semesters: 1st or 2nd
    Credits: .5
    Course Level: B
    Prerequisites: None
    Course Description: Art Expressions is a creative space in which students record snapshots of artists and their works before recreating the styles or subjects in unique, original compositions. Cultural and historical significance, biblical worldviews, art techniques, and hands-on projects comprise memorable multi-sensory art expressions. A final project (in lieu of an exam) serves as an autobiographical artifact of the student’s creative place in his or her own generation.
  • Bible - Old Testament

    Grades: 9
    Semesters: 2
    Credits: 1
    Course Level: B
    Prerequisites: None
    Course Description: This course will serve as an overview of the history, literature, and message of the Old Testament. The course will emphasize key events, places, and people of the Old Testament studied in relation to the overall story and character of God. Additionally, attention will be given to the foundation the Old Testament lays for the New Testament, as well as the promises which set the stage for the coming of Jesus.
  • Biology

    Grades: 9-10
    Semesters: 2
    Credits: 1
    Course Level: B
    Lab: Yes
    Prerequisites: Incoming 9th Grade:  Algebra 1 & 8th grade science with a grade 90%. Incoming 10th Grade:  Physical Science and Algebra 1
    Course Description: Biology provides an understanding and appreciation for the world of living things. Students will use scientific processes to design, conduct, and communicate the findings of scientific investigations related to Biology. The course examines topics such as biochemistry, cells, DNA, genetics, and a critique of evolution/evidence for Intelligent Design. Formal lab reports are required. The course is taught from a Biblical Creationist/Intelligent Design perspective.
  • Business Apps

    Business Apps

    Grades: 9-12
    Semesters: 2
    Credits: 1 
    Course Level: B
    Prerequisites: None
    Note: This course is required to graduate and is a prerequisite to most other tech courses.
    Course Description: This course is based on learning Microsoft Office 2016, including: Word, Excel, Access, and Powerpoint. Emphasis will be placed on the mastery of skills needed to learn and complete assignments. Students will work on their communication skills and responsibility. Students will develop marketing skills and employment skills to improve and increase the chance of successful transition into the world of work: creating resumes, cover letters, filling out applications, interviewing, etc. The students will also explore college and career choices.
  • Business Apps

    Grades: 9-12
    Semesters: 2
    Credits: 1 
    Course Level: B
    Prerequisites: None
    Note: This course is required to graduate and is a prerequisite to most other tech courses.
    Course Description: This course is based on learning Microsoft Office 2016, including: Word, Excel, Access, and Powerpoint. Emphasis will be placed on the mastery of skills needed to learn and complete assignments. Students will work on their communication skills and responsibility. Students will develop marketing skills and employment skills to improve and increase the chance of successful transition into the world of work: creating resumes, cover letters, filling out applications, interviewing, etc. The students will also explore college and career choices.
  • Digital Photography

    Grades:  9-12
    Semesters:  1st or 2nd
    Credits:  .5
    Course Level:  B
    Prerequisites:  None
    Note: This course is classified as both a fine art and technology and can be counted as either for credit.
    Course Description: In this digital photography class, students will dive into the art of taking captivating photos using their cellphone, iPad or digital camera. Throughout the course, they will focus on key aspects of photography: mastering lighting, perfecting composition, and selecting intriguing subjects. They will learn how to use different types of light to create mood and atmosphere, and discover techniques to arrange your subjects for maximum impact. From landscapes to portraits, students will explore various subjects and develop their creative eye.
    Through hands-on practice both in and outside of class, they'll hone their photography skills and receive feedback to help grow as a photographer. By the end of the course, students will have the confidence and expertise to capture stunning images that reflect their unique perspective. Whether they are passionate about photography as a hobby or considering it as a potential career path, this class will equip them with the knowledge and skills to excel in the digital photography world.

    Psalm 19:1 “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.”
  • English 1

    English 1 

    Grades: 9
    Semesters: 2
    Credits: 1
    Course Level: B
    Prerequisites: None
    Course Description: English 1 focuses on spiritual formation, close reading, grammar, writing, vocabulary, reading comprehension, researching, communication, organizational skills, and team building. Micah 6:8 is the backbone of this course: do justice, love mercy, walk humbly. All units are closely aligned with state standards and students will be challenged to grow spiritually and academically. Reading comprehension and analysis of informational text are woven throughout the class. Our anchor texts, To Kill a Mockingbird, Romeo and Juliet, Of Mice and Men, and Lord of the Flies, will be analyzed in depth through a Christian lens to enhance students’ Christian worldview. Students will learn to write an expository paragraph, the five paragraph essay with emphasis on Jane Schaffer formatting, and a persuasive timed write response. In addition, students will also write a synthesis essay embedding research about people groups who still face injustice today and compose a cause and effect research paper on a topic of their choice. English 1 is the springboard that will help prepare students to be successful in all classes with a heavy emphasis on reading comprehension, writing, and executive functioning skills. 
  • Geometry

    Grades: 9-12
    Semesters: 2
    Credits: 1 
    Course Level: B
    Prerequisites: Algebra 1 completed with a “C” or better
    Course Description: This course covers the standard Euclidean Geometry with emphasis on plane geometry. Logical analytical methods of thinking are taught through deductive proofs. Right triangle trigonometry is introduced with an emphasis on application. Requires a TI-84 calculator.
  • Graphic Design

    Grades:  9-12
    Semesters:  1st or 2nd 
    Credits:  .5 
    Course Level:  B
    Prerequisites:  None
    Note: This course is classified as both a fine art and technology and can be counted as either for credit.
    Course Description: In this course, students will incorporate art and technology. In this class, students will use design as a creative process in communication. They’ll also explore various methods used to create and combine words, symbols, and images to create a visual representation of ideas and messages. Throughout the course students will gain a better understanding of the basic elements and principles of art, while ending the class with a completed portfolio.
  • Honors Algebra 2

    Grades: 10-12
    Semesters: 2
    Credits: 1 
    Course Level: A
    Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation is based on a placement test and a 90% or higher in Geometry or an 85% or higher in Honors Geometry, and a 90% or higher in Algebra 1
    Note: A 73% or below at semester’s end will require a course level reevaluation             
    Dual Enrollment:   $200 CCU MAT111 (College Algebra, 3 Credits)
    Course Description: This course covers material taught in Algebra 3-4 as well as Pre-Calculus in a one year course. Topics include the following:  polynomial and rational functions and graphs, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions, analytical trigonometry, systems of equations and inequalities, matrices and determinants, conic sections, and sequences and series. Requires a TI-84 calculator.
  • Honors Biology

    Grades: 9-10
    Semesters: 2
    Credits: 1 
    Course Level: A
    Lab: Yes
    Prerequisites: Incoming 9th Grade:  Algebra 1 & 8th grade science with a grade of 93%. Incoming 10th Grade:  Physical Science and Algebra 1 with a grade of 93%
    Note: A “C” or below at semester’s end will require a course level reevaluation
    Dual Enrollment Fee: $210 GCU BIO181 (General Biology, 4 Credits)
    Course Description: Honors Biology is an accelerated laboratory course, which provides an understanding and appreciation for the world of living things. The course will investigate, in depth, the topics of biochemistry, cell biology, DNA, genetics, critique of evolution/ evidence for Intelligent Design and animal studies. The course is designed to utilize cooperative, active learning strategies with emphasis on laboratory investigations. The course of study will be similar to the standard biology but it will incorporate additional inquiry-driven activities with an emphasis on laboratory investigations requiring higher level critical thinking and writing skills. Formal lab reports are required. The course is taught from a Biblical Creationist/Intelligent Design perspective.
  • Honors English 1

    H English 1

    Grades: 9
    Semesters: 2
    Credits: 1
    Course Level: A
    Prerequisites: 93% in 8th grade Language Arts
    Note: A “C” or below at semester’s end will require a course level reevaluation
    Summer Reading:  Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
    Course Description: This is an accelerated course that provides an in depth study of advanced grammar skills, advanced writing skills, and literature. The five-paragraph essay will be emphasized. In addition to the core anthology, students will read and study Romeo and Juliet, To Kill a Mockingbird, Death Be Not Proud, Hiroshima and The Odyssey.
  • Honors Geometry

    Grades: 9-12
    Semesters: 2
    Credits: 1 
    Course Level: B
    Prerequisites: Algebra 1 completed with a “C” or better
    Course Description: This course covers the standard Euclidean Geometry with emphasis on plane geometry. Logical analytical methods of thinking are taught through deductive proofs. Right triangle trigonometry is introduced with an emphasis on application. Requires a TI-84 calculator.
  • Introduction to Art

    Grades:  9-12
    Semesters:  1st or 2nd
    Credits:  .5
    Course Level:  B
    Prerequisites:  None
    Course Description: Intro to Art is an exciting course designed to open your eyes to the visual potential that exists within your own mind! Art is for everyone. Art is everywhere: products we purchase, commercials on television, movies we watch—it is not just a thing for museums. To understand art is to understand a culture. Having an understanding of art is getting to know people and culture by doing that; it correlates to having an understanding of God and His design. 
     A variety of drawings will be completed using the different mediums such as graphite, charcoal, pastel, ink, and mixed media. The basic elements of art, design and color theory will be emphasized and lead you into painting. Paintings will be completed in watercolor, oil, and acrylic. Students will be challenged to think critically of the culture around us and be inspired to create projects that might not be in our comfort zone. This is a wonderful course that will help you develop your artistic vision and release your creative potential.
  • Introduction to Culinary

    Grades: 9-10
    Semesters: 1
    Credits: 0.5
    Prerequisites: None
    Course Description: This course offers students a foundational understanding of the principles and practices essential to the culinary arts. Through a combination of theoretical learning and hands-on experiences, students will explore the artistry and science behind food preparation, presentation, and appreciation. From basic knife skills to advanced cooking techniques, students will develop fundamental culinary competencies while also gaining insights into the cultural, historical, and nutritional aspects of food. Throughout the course, students will engage in a variety of activities including recipe analysis, menu planning, ingredient selection, and cooking demonstrations. They will learn about kitchen safety and sanitation procedures, as well as explore the importance of sustainability and ethical practices in the food industry. By the end of the course, students will have acquired the foundational knowledge and practical skills necessary to pursue further studies in culinary arts or to confidently navigate their own culinary adventures in a home kitchen setting. This course aims to inspire a lifelong appreciation for the culinary arts and empower students to become informed consumers and proficient cooks.
  • Music Appreciation

    Grades: 9-12
    Semesters: 1st or 2nd
    Credits: .5
    Course Level: B
    Prerequisites: None
    Course Description:In this course, students will apply the basic formal elements and concepts from the discipline of music to appreciate and listen to music in a new way.  Students will analyze the purpose and nature of music throughout history and the Bible in various cultural contexts and genres.  By identifying specific components of music, students will study many styles and genres of music such as classical, jazz, popular, worship, music theater, and others through listening links provided in this course or through other live performances. Students will consider the impact music has made in their own personal lives and the significance music has to the human species.  Periodic assessments as well as a mid-term compare/contrast project and final performance review project will be included.
  • Physical Education

    Grades: 9-12
    Semesters: 1st and/or 2nd 
    Credits: .5 or 1 
    Course Level: B
    Prerequisites: None
    Course Description: Physical Education is a course designed to educate and train our Northwest Christian students in the areas of: Physical Fitness, Health and Wellness, Nutrition, Leadership and Team Work. Each student will learn about a variety of team sports and physical games, building motor skills and enhancing overall personal fitness. The course also emphasizes regular exercise, weight control, cardiovascular fitness, muscle toning, and flexibility. The Physical Education course takes into consideration the whole person (spiritual, physical, mental, social, emotional…) as it educates and challenges students on the importance of health and fitness in their lives with an emphasis on Biblical perspectives regarding keeping our bodies fit. 1 Cor. 6:19, 20

  • Physical Science

    Grades: 9
    Semesters: 2
    Credits: 1 
    Course Level: B
    Lab: Yes
    Prerequisites: None
    NCS Lab Fee: $50
    Course Description: Physical Science integrates a comprehensive introduction to both physics and chemistry with an underlying emphasis on critical-thinking and scientific process skills. Students will learn and continually practice planning and conducting lab investigations, then communicate their findings through formal presentations or lab reports. Real-world applications and mathematical relationships are foundational components to both subjects and will be appropriately integrated throughout the year. The course examines topics such as Motion, Forces, Energy, Sound and Light, Classification of Matter, Properties of Atoms and the Periodic Table, and Solids, Liquids, and Gases.
  • Spanish 1

    Grades: 9-12
    Semesters: 2
    Credits: 1 
    Course Level: B
    Prerequisites: None
    Course Description: This course introduces the basic vocabulary, grammar concepts, and cultural perspectives of the Spanish Language. Students will establish a foundation for reading, writing, and speaking Spanish in preparation for the upper levels of the language.

High School - 10th Grade

List of 22 items.

  • Algebra 1

    Grades: 9-10
    Semesters: 2
    Credits: 1 
    Course Level: B
    Prerequisites: Pre-Algebra completed with a C or better
    Course Description: This course stresses the structure of Algebra in the development of computational problem solving skills. Algebra is a combination of systematic, step-by-step computations and logical thinking. Requires a TI-84 calculator.
  • Algebra 2

    Grades: 10-12
    Semesters: 2
    Credits: 1 
    Course Level: B
    Prerequisites: Algebra 1 and Geometry completed with a “C” or better 
    Course Description: This course reviews topics from Algebra 1 and more in-depth coverage of solving equations and inequalities, factoring, functions, relations, radical expressions, quadratics and triangle trigonometry. Requires a TI-84 calculator.
  • Biology

    Grades: 9-10
    Semesters: 2
    Credits: 1
    Course Level: B
    Lab: Yes
    Prerequisites: Incoming 9th Grade:  Algebra 1 & 8th grade science with a grade 90%. Incoming 10th Grade:  Physical Science and Algebra 1
    NCS Lab Fee: $50 
    Course Description: Biology provides an understanding and appreciation for the world of living things. Students will use scientific processes to design, conduct, and communicate the findings of scientific investigations related to Biology. The course examines topics such as biochemistry, cells, DNA, genetics, and a critique of evolution/evidence for Intelligent Design. Formal lab reports are required. The course is taught from a Biblical Creationist/Intelligent Design perspective.
  • Business Apps

    Business Apps

    Grades: 9-12
    Semesters: 2
    Credits: 1 
    Course Level: B
    Prerequisites: None
    Note: This course is required to graduate and is a prerequisite to most other tech courses.
    Course Description: This course is based on learning Microsoft Office 2016, including: Word, Excel, Access, and Powerpoint. Emphasis will be placed on the mastery of skills needed to learn and complete assignments. Students will work on their communication skills and responsibility. Students will develop marketing skills and employment skills to improve and increase the chance of successful transition into the world of work: creating resumes, cover letters, filling out applications, interviewing, etc. The students will also explore college and career choices.
  • Chemistry

    Grades:  10-12
    Semesters:  2
    Credits:  1
    Course Level:  B
    Lab:  Yes
    Prerequisites:  Geometry and Biology 
    NCS Lab Fee:  $50
    Course Description: Chemistry is a laboratory course that provides a greater understanding of the physical world at an atomic level.  The course is investigative in nature and utilizes hands-on inquiry method learning strategies.  The course investigates topics such as:    measurements and problem solving in chemistry, atomic structure, electrons in atoms, periodic table, chemical periodicity, chemical bonds, chemical names and formulas, chemical reactions and chemical quantities.
  • Digital Photography

    Grades:  9-12
    Semesters:  1st or 2nd
    Credits:  .5
    Course Level:  B
    Prerequisites:  None
    Note: This course is classified as both a fine art and technology and can be counted as either for credit.
    Course Description: In this digital photography class, students will dive into the art of taking captivating photos using their cellphone, iPad or digital camera. Throughout the course, they will focus on key aspects of photography: mastering lighting, perfecting composition, and selecting intriguing subjects. They will learn how to use different types of light to create mood and atmosphere, and discover techniques to arrange your subjects for maximum impact. From landscapes to portraits, students will explore various subjects and develop their creative eye.
    Through hands-on practice both in and outside of class, they'll hone their photography skills and receive feedback to help grow as a photographer. By the end of the course, students will have the confidence and expertise to capture stunning images that reflect their unique perspective. Whether they are passionate about photography as a hobby or considering it as a potential career path, this class will equip them with the knowledge and skills to excel in the digital photography world.

    Psalm 19:1 “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.”
  • English 2

    Grades:  10
    Semesters:  2
    Credits:  1 
    Course Level:  B
    Prerequisites:  English 1 or Honors English 1
    Course Description: English 2 focuses on spiritual formation, reading comprehension and analysis, grammar, writing, vocabulary, research, communication, organization, and team-building. The primary verse for this course is “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for
    the Lord and not for men.” Colossians 3:23 (ESV)  All units are closely aligned with state standards, and students are challenged to grow spiritually and academically. 
    The anchor texts, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, Animal Farm, Hamlet, and Fahrenheit 451, are analyzed in-depth through a biblical lens to enhance students’ Christian worldview. Honors students will read and analyze the novel, Life of Pi by Yann Martel, during the summer and complete additional assignments during the school year.
    Students learn to write several essay genres: a literary analysis essay, a cause and effect essay response to a prompt, a compare and contrast essay, and a problem/solution research paper on a student-selected topic. All essays will utilize the Jane Schaffer style of writing and the 6+1 Traits Rubric.
  • Graphic Design

    Grades:  9-12
    Semesters:  1st or 2nd 
    Credits:  .5 
    Course Level:  B
    Prerequisites:  None
    Note: This course is classified as both a fine art and technology and can be counted as either for credit.
    Course Description: In this course, students will incorporate art and technology. In this class, students will use design as a creative process in communication. They’ll also explore various methods used to create and combine words, symbols, and images to create a visual representation of ideas and messages. Throughout the course students will gain a better understanding of the basic elements and principles of art, while ending the class with a completed portfolio.
  • Honors Algebra 2

    Grades: 10-12
    Semesters: 2
    Credits: 1 
    Course Level: A
    Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation is based on a placement test and a 90% or higher in Geometry or an 85% or higher in Honors Geometry, and a 90% or higher in Algebra 1
    Note: A 73% or below at semester’s end will require a course level reevaluation             
    Dual Enrollment:   $200 CCU MAT111 (College Algebra, 3 Credits)
    Course Description: This course covers material taught in Algebra 3-4 as well as Pre-Calculus in a one year course. Topics include the following:  polynomial and rational functions and graphs, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions, analytical trigonometry, systems of equations and inequalities, matrices and determinants, conic sections, and sequences and series. Requires a TI-84 calculator.
  • Honors Biology

    Grades: 9-10
    Semesters: 2
    Credits: 1 
    Course Level: A
    Lab: Yes
    Prerequisites: Incoming 9th Grade:  Algebra 1 & 8th grade science with a grade of 93%. Incoming 10th Grade:  Physical Science and Algebra 1 with a grade of 93%
    Note: A “C” or below at semester’s end will require a course level reevaluation
    NCS Lab Fee: $50 
    Dual Enrollment Fee: $210 GCU BIO181 (General Biology, 4 Credits)
    Course Description: Honors Biology is an accelerated laboratory course, which provides an understanding and appreciation for the world of living things. The course will investigate, in depth, the topics of biochemistry, cell biology, DNA, genetics, critique of evolution/ evidence for Intelligent Design and animal studies. The course is designed to utilize cooperative, active learning strategies with emphasis on laboratory investigations. The course of study will be similar to the standard biology but it will incorporate additional inquiry-driven activities with an emphasis on laboratory investigations requiring higher level critical thinking and writing skills. Formal lab reports are required. The course is taught from a Biblical Creationist/Intelligent Design perspective.
  • Honors Chemistry

    Grades:  10-11
    Semesters:  2
    Credits:  1
    Course Level:  A
    Lab:  Yes
    Prerequisites:  Minimum grades in the following- Geometry with a grade of 93% or Honors Geometry with a grade of 90% and Biology with a grade of 93% or Honors Biology with a grade of 90% 
    Note:  A “C” or below at semester’s end will require a course level reevaluation
    NCS Lab Fee:  $50
    Dual Enrollment Fee:  $200 CCU CHM121/CHM131 (General Chemistry I, 4 Credits)/(General Chemistry I Lab, 1 Credit)
    Course Description: Honors Chemistry is an accelerated laboratory course that provides a greater understanding of the physical world at an atomic level.  The course is investigative in nature and utilizes hands-on inquiry method learning strategies.  The course investigates topics such as:    measurements and problem solving in chemistry, atomic structure, electrons in atoms, periodic table, chemical periodicity, chemical bonds, chemical names and formulas, chemical reactions, and chemical quantities.
  • Honors English 2

    Grades:  10
    Semesters:  2
    Credits:  1 
    Course Level:  A
    Prerequisite:  93% in English 1 or 85% in Honors English 1
    Note:  A “C” or below at semester’s end will require a course level reevaluation
    Summer Reading:   Life of Pi by Yann Martel
    Description: Honors English 2 focuses on spiritual formation, grammar, reading comprehension, vocabulary, and writing at a very in-depth level. Students will complete one major essay per quarter as well as daily writing practice. Major literary works may include Hamlet, Animal Farm, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, Fahrenheit 451, The Scarlet Letter, and My Name is Ashler Lev. All vocabulary words are from the most common ACT words, and all essays are graded with the 6+1 Traits of Writing Rubric. Students will read, analyze, and interpret texts and literature books on a nearly daily basis. Students in Honors English will have in-depth discussions, be thoroughly pushed in their writing ability, and gain comprehensive knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, and literary analysis.
  • Honors Geometry

    Grades: 9-12
    Semesters: 2
    Credits: 1 
    Course Level: B
    Prerequisites: Algebra 1 completed with a “C” or better
    Course Description: This course covers the standard Euclidean Geometry with emphasis on plane geometry. Logical analytical methods of thinking are taught through deductive proofs. Right triangle trigonometry is introduced with an emphasis on application. Requires a TI-84 calculator.
  • Honors World History

    Grades:  10
    Semester:  2
    Credits:  1
    Course Level:  A
    Prerequisites:  90% in English 1-2 or 85% in Honors English or by teacher recommendation
    Note: A “C” or below at semester’s end may require a course level reevaluation
    Dual Enrollment Fee:  $200 CCU HIS186 (Birth of the Modern World, 3 Credits)
    Course Description: World History is a survey of world events and culture from early civilization through the present.  Emphasis will be placed on significant events since the Renaissance (including major political and economic models).  Students will acquire factual and conceptual knowledge and develop inquiry and critical thinking skills.  Emphasis will be placed on researched-based activities culminating in participation in various National History Day activities.
  • Introduction to Art

    Grades:  9-12
    Semesters:  1st or 2nd
    Credits:  .5
    Course Level:  B
    Prerequisites:  None
    Course Description: Intro to Art is an exciting course designed to open your eyes to the visual potential that exists within your own mind! Art is for everyone. Art is everywhere: products we purchase, commercials on television, movies we watch—it is not just a thing for museums. To understand art is to understand a culture. Having an understanding of art is getting to know people and culture by doing that; it correlates to having an understanding of God and His design. 
     A variety of drawings will be completed using the different mediums such as graphite, charcoal, pastel, ink, and mixed media. The basic elements of art, design and color theory will be emphasized and lead you into painting. Paintings will be completed in watercolor, oil, and acrylic. Students will be challenged to think critically of the culture around us and be inspired to create projects that might not be in our comfort zone. This is a wonderful course that will help you develop your artistic vision and release your creative potential.
  • Introduction to Culinary

    Grades: 9-10
    Semesters: 1
    Credits: 0.5
    Prerequisites: None
    Course Description: This course offers students a foundational understanding of the principles and practices essential to the culinary arts. Through a combination of theoretical learning and hands-on experiences, students will explore the artistry and science behind food preparation, presentation, and appreciation. From basic knife skills to advanced cooking techniques, students will develop fundamental culinary competencies while also gaining insights into the cultural, historical, and nutritional aspects of food. Throughout the course, students will engage in a variety of activities including recipe analysis, menu planning, ingredient selection, and cooking demonstrations. They will learn about kitchen safety and sanitation procedures, as well as explore the importance of sustainability and ethical practices in the food industry. By the end of the course, students will have acquired the foundational knowledge and practical skills necessary to pursue further studies in culinary arts or to confidently navigate their own culinary adventures in a home kitchen setting. This course aims to inspire a lifelong appreciation for the culinary arts and empower students to become informed consumers and proficient cooks.
  • Music Appreciation

    Grades: 9-12
    Semesters: 1st or 2nd
    Credits: .5
    Course Level: B
    Prerequisites: None
    Course Description:In this course, students will apply the basic formal elements and concepts from the discipline of music to appreciate and listen to music in a new way.  Students will analyze the purpose and nature of music throughout history and the Bible in various cultural contexts and genres.  By identifying specific components of music, students will study many styles and genres of music such as classical, jazz, popular, worship, music theater, and others through listening links provided in this course or through other live performances. Students will consider the impact music has made in their own personal lives and the significance music has to the human species.  Periodic assessments as well as a mid-term compare/contrast project and final performance review project will be included.
  • New Testament

    Grades:  10
    Semesters:  1
    Credits:  .5 
    Course Level:  B
    Prerequisites:  Old Testament 
    Course Description: A general introduction to the New Testament. This course will focus on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ within the gospels, as well as the period of time before Jesus, known as the intertestamental period. Then using the book of Acts as the guide, students will survey the remainder of the New Testament letters.  Students will be exposed to proper biblical interpretation, followed by practical application.
  • Physical Education

    Grades: 9-12
    Semesters: 1st and/or 2nd 
    Credits: .5 or 1 
    Course Level: B
    Prerequisites: None
    Course Description: Physical Education is a course designed to educate and train our Northwest Christian students in the areas of: Physical Fitness, Health and Wellness, Nutrition, Leadership and Team Work. Each student will learn about a variety of team sports and physical games, building motor skills and enhancing overall personal fitness. The course also emphasizes regular exercise, weight control, cardiovascular fitness, muscle toning, and flexibility. The Physical Education course takes into consideration the whole person (spiritual, physical, mental, social, emotional…) as it educates and challenges students on the importance of health and fitness in their lives with an emphasis on Biblical perspectives regarding keeping our bodies fit. 1 Cor. 6:19, 20
  • Spanish 1

    Grades: 9-12
    Semesters: 2
    Credits: 1 
    Course Level: B
    Prerequisites: None
    Course Description: This course introduces the basic vocabulary, grammar concepts, and cultural perspectives of the Spanish Language. Students will establish a foundation for reading, writing, and speaking Spanish in preparation for the upper levels of the language.
  • Spanish 2

    Grades:  10-12
    Semesters:  2                                                                                              Credits: 1                                                                                                      Course Level:  B
    Prerequisites:  Spanish 1 with 70% or better        
    Course Description: In this course, students will review material learned in Spanish 1.  They will expand their knowledge of Spanish grammar and syntax as well as their Spanish vocabulary.  Students will be encouraged to speak and write using sentences within their own experience with the language.  Students will also learn more about Spanish speakers and the Hispanic world and culture.
  • World History

    Grades: 10
    Semesters:  2
    Credits:  1 
    Course Level: B
    Course Description: World History is a survey of world events and culture from early civilization through the present.  Emphasis will be on events since the Renaissance.  Major political and economic models will be discussed.  The student will acquire factual and conceptual knowledge, develop inquiry and critical thinking skills, and learn to share ideas.