Frameworks: Online Biblical Worldview Courses

Worship Ministry 1 & 2

The role of a worship leader is to help the Church encourage one another through songs that are true about God and true about His role in the world. Because it all comes down to the “heart” of worship, a worship leader must be a disciple-maker. If the role of a worship leader is equal to that of a “performer” or “rockstar”, we will struggle for unity in our consumerist culture. Likewise Worship, a worship ministry consultancy based in Southern California believes that worship culture and philosophy is set and maintained by the worship leader. Students in this Frameworks course will work with Likewise Worship leaders towards development, discipleship, and mentoring--the end goal being the capacity to lead worship humbly and honestly. The course will provide a Biblical understanding of corporate worship and practical resources to help each student grow their capacity for worship ministry.

Course Availability: Fall, Spring

Content Provider: Likewise Worship